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The regular meeting of the Massachusetts Metaphysical...

From the March 1893 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The regular meeting of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College Association took place on February first, 1893, in Steinert Hall, 62 Boylston Street Boston. The attendance was large, and the interest manifested was great. A sense of harmony pervaded the assemblage.

Dr. E. J. Foster Eddy presided. After the usual silent prayer he read from Science and Health pages 222 and 223, and also the 5th chapter of 2d Corinthians. If our readers will here stop and read these selections they will get a much better sense of the meeting and its import than otherwise. These selections and the lesson of the hour which they taught, were deeply impressed upon the minds of those present.

Bro. Johnson then read the address of the Leader, Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy, which appears on the first pages of this Journal. Its reading was listened to with keen interest (as are all the messages from the Leader to her students), and upon its conclusion a vote of thanks was unanimously tendered her for its helpful and inspiring words. A motion was also made and unanimously carried that the recommendation contained therein,—that the Association, when it adjourned, should adjourn for one year,— be adopted. Dr. Eddy then addressed the meeting upon the subject which he said would occupy their attention for the afternoon: the building of the Temple. He spoke substantially as follows:—

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