A physician (of which school we are not informed), who has taken umbrage at our remarks about "Christian Scientists," rhetorically asks us "whether these people are in any way authorized or licensed by the State of Illinois to practise medicine or heal the sick in any manner."
We notice this question only because it throws an interesting light upon the minds of people who are inclined to be disputatious. We did not say that "Christian Scientists" are licensed to practise medicine. We did not say that they practise medicine. We did not ask why the death of a patient of "Christian Scientists" should call for legal proceedings when the same cause does not produce that result in the case of physicians.
Our question was: "Why should the death of a patient arouse general indignation against 'Christian Scientists,' so-called, when the same cause is inoperative against medical practitioners?" We did not enter upon the question whether the law of the State of Illinois authorizes "Christian Scientists" to practise medicine.