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From the April 1894 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Human thought is not at ease. The spirit of unrest is everywhere apparent, both in the world and in the church.

In the world, chaos and confusion reign supreme. There are "wars and commotions; . . . earthquakes, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs." (Luke 21: 9, 11). In our land this is being fulfilled; for truly tempests, and floods, and great disasters are overtaking and stirring the people in every place. Even Mammon is attacked in its very temple. Its god of gold, and its god of silver is being shattered and broken. But do the people heed the "great signs," and turn to the true God, the, God of righteousness and peace, and live in very Love and Truth? No. The tempests pass unheeded by, and great disasters are but a nine days' wonder; and the people are madly, yet vainly, striving to strengthen the foundations of their idols, and to repair their shattered forms, that, like Aaron and his followers of old, they may continue to bow down and worship the golden calf.

In the church the cry goes out for more spirituality; and it is being sought in the attempt to establish a Universal Church by means of a general union of the churches under one head, or government, in Church Unity: that is, many members in one body, and that body— as publicly stated by a prominent divine— to be the Mother Church of England. Can the Universal Church be built upon such a basis? Unity denotes harmony, and to express it, there must be perfect accord between all the members of the body; being one in the divine Principle, or Trinity, of Life, Love and Truth, as also is Christ. Whether they be Jew or Gentile, bond or free, they must all be "made to drink into one Spirit."

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