The Christian Science and mind cure practitioners have created excitement in medical ranks not exceeded since the regular profession attempted to sit down upon the water curists and homeopaths. The water cure fad adapted itself, so far as it was good to all schools of practice, while homeopathy fought, till it secured an equal foothold legally with the regular school. Now all the schools seem to be combined against the last interloper— the Christian Science or mind cure healer.
The established schools of medicine wish, in some of the states to take away by law from the mind cure people and the C. S's. the right to practice. These fight back, and a periodical called Living Issues, has been established to combat the attempts of the doctors to break down the Scientists.
What the outcome will be it is hard to say. One writer puts forth a brilliant way of settling the controversy. It is to let that doctor practice who cures the most patients. It is exceedingly hard to draw the line where the people should be protected from quacks. Perhaps they will be protected most effectually by letting them go ahead and get their own eyes opened so that they can protect themselves.—Bridgeport, Conn., Union.