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A Large number of extra Journals was printed with the...

From the July 1894 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A Large number of extra Journals was printed with the expectation that there would be a great demand for them. Thus far this expectation has not been realized. True,' the Journal was somewhat late in reaching the field, and this may, in part, account for the apparent lack of interest.

The June Journal is a most important one. Its importance cannot be overestimated. It chronicles an event than which there can scarcely be a more momentous one in the history of our Cause. There certainly will never be laid another Corner Stone of the Mother Church,— The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston. This fact, taken in connection with the mighty significance of the event in its spiritual import, and the precious words of love and benediction of our Leader accompanying it, and we have a cluster of historic associations which should make the event a priceless Jewel, such as all Christian Scientists should keenly appreciate.

Should we, therefore, be asleep to the necessity of spreading the history of this event broadcast, so that all who will may read of it? Let not the enemy' be able to boast of even a monentary victory, because of the supposed indifference of the students.

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