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From the September 1894 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In conversation with a business man on the subject of Christian Science, he asked this question: "If I were a Christian Scientist, how could I over-reach my neighbor? The answer was," If you were a Christian Scientist, you would have no desire to over-reach him; but your only thought would be to do unto him as you would have him do unto you." And here seems to be the very rub in business: the feeling, in the main, to be honest, counteracted by the tendency to over-reach, or get the better of, a competitor in trade for the purpose of worldly gain.

The strong injunction of the Master, "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do you even so to them," seems to have a very small place in the business world. It is a rude disturber of the peace to all conceded and prevailing notions of the necessities of business life.

From this cause a great deal of speculation is excited as to what effect or influence Christian Science has upon men in business, and what result is manifested upon the immediate business carried on by them, together with all other business incidental thereto. Christian Science is Christianity, most decidedly. Its followers are Christians after the type of Jesus the Christ, so far as they realize and reveal their power and oneness in and with Him, in Spirit and in Truth.

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