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From the September 1894 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Boston Globe

Rev. James Boyd Brady, D. D., preached in the People's Temple, Columbus Avenue, last evening, on" Hard Times and the Way Out." It was his concluding sermon prior to his departure for a month's vacation.

It was Christ, said the speaker, who: "said I Am the Way." Some people interpret the words as meaning that he was the way from earth to heaven. The real meaning is that he is the way to heaven on earth. The fulness of these words have rarely, if ever, been comprehended. It is not strange, for if the apostles failed at times to grasp the full meaning of Christ's words, it is evident that others would fail to understand them. To-day we don't seem to understand what Jesus has said and what is coming to pass. We have hard times, but I tell you, brethren, we would have no hard times if the people fully understood the words of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We have hard times because the people have departed from the ways of Jesus, ecclesiastically. We have hard times because we are getting away from his methods of government. Nations don't govern, nowadays, according to the Sermon on the Mount, yet it is the only way to get back to easy times. We have hard times because we are getting away from Christ's way, industrially. When humanity begins to live as brothers, sharing equally and drawing their necessities from one common fountain, then, and not until then, will there be peace and plenty. There would be no very rich classes, no very poor classes, no cutting competition, no distress of the weak, driven to the wall by the strong. By this common plan, each would work for all, and all for each, all working.—Boston Globe.

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