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From the November 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The following is a series of letters written by a young lady pupil to her former professor in a business college:—

Dear Friend:— More than a year ago you advised me to try Christian Science as a means of being well again. I was rather amused at the idea. Since that time we have tried doctors, change of climate, etc., and nothing has done any good. I, a few days ago, decided to try Christian Science. I am taking treatment from a healer who lives here and have the book, Science and Health, which I am trying to read with understanding. I hope this belief can accomplish all that is claimed for it, for it would be delightful indeed to be well once more, an ornament to my profession and an honor to my teacher. From what I understand, it seems a beautiful belief, and if I can raise myself up to it, I guess I'll be all right. Any light or information you can give me on the subject will be most gladly received.

Please excuse this letter for my "belief of weakness" is very strong.

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