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From the November 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What magic in the word! All the magnificence of the dim and storied past, all the great promises of futurity, hold not the simple grandeur of that holy word. It echoes through all time, past, present, and future, and drifts out into eternity, as the mightiest word in man's vocabulary,—the synonym of purity, goodness, faith, trust, loving kindness, noble self-sacrifice, boundless unselfishness, tenderness, forbearance, meekness, virtue.

When interpreted spiritually and applied to God, it brings to mankind the highest concept of God as Good,—binding the broken heart, bringing peace and rest to the weary ones and hope to the downcast,—healing the sin-sick and suffering.

Throughout all the ages past, and throughout all time to come, it has been, and will still continue to be, corrective, alterative, and regenerative to the human character,—sublime and eternal in its significance.

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