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From the November 1895 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In one of the leading art stores, is a picture of Judas and the Christ, which teaches, it seems to me, a grand lesson. The artist has caught through the mists of materiality, a glimpse of the Christ as seen in Christian Science. He portrays Judas in darkness, his face buried in his hands, his attitude one of despair. On the right of the picture is the cross, but Jesus is not on the cross.

A vision of light and love, he is the central sun that illuminates with soft radiance, every part of the picture, and if the despairing man would only raise his eyes and look away from sense and the false testimony of a false mind, from self, he would see the tender loving look of his living Lord. While the disciples mourned him as dead trusting to the false evidence of material sight, He was ever near shedding upon them the invisible, pure and holy light of Spirit.

And so it is to-day, looking to death instead of Life, we be the cross and the dead Jesus, while always near is the invisible incorporeal loving Christ. If we would gain a glimpse of Him, we must lose sight of the false picture and discern with our spiritual sense, the true; put aside self and raise our eyes to gain a view of the Infinite, of the true substance, of the real relationship of God and man, of Principle and its idea.

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