It is our pleasure to announce that a Church Manual has been prepared and is now in the Publisher's hands, ready for circulation. It contains a brief history of the formation of the Church, all the Rules and By-laws now in existence, instructions how to become members of the Mother Church, and a complete list of the present members of the Church.
The Rules and By-laws are the work of the Reverend Mary Baker Eddy, all having been prepared by her, and having passed under her inspection after going to print. No one, therefore, will have room to question their authority or authenticity. Let it be the earnest endeavor of every student to so assimilate and live these rules and by-laws, that thus our dear Leader's arduous and disinterested labor in this behalf, will be, at least, partially recompensed. We cannot too deeply appreciate her incessant toil on behalf of her students and adherents, as well as the entire race.
For prices etc., see the Publisher's Department. Let us suggest also that the Publisher s Department be carefully looked over each month, for there are new items appearing in it in nearly every issue.