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From the December 1896 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When thou art happy, child,
And life is glad and free;
Amid thy loved ones, child,
All happiness for thee;—
Ah! couldst thou only know,
And, knowing truly see,
Thy God is here below
The joy to share with thee.

When thou art weary, child,
And life and earth are drear;
When thou art lonely, child
And sorrow seems so near;—
Ah! couldst thou only see
And, seeing this, believe,
Thy God is near to thee
The sadness to relieve.

In joy as well as pain
His love descends to thee,
In sunshine or in rain
Thou hast his sympathy.
When clouds look dark, above
Or, when the skies are clear,
Thou hast thy God's pure love,
Inestimably dear.

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