The fruitage of Love and Truth, after long and patient waiting, is being manifested in stately beauty and glory in this, the Queen City of the West. Through trials and siftings that would appall the material sense, brave and undaunted hearts and unfaltering hands have maintained with silent, but resistless power, the illumined banner of Christian Science —God is all —evil is no where—no thing.
I can tell you, dear Journal, of martyrs here who "die daily" that the seed of Truth be planted, and who are rewarded by speedy up-springing, "first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear," and have proved that "they who sow in tears shall reap in joy," to the praise and glory of the omnipotent God. I can make report of the wealthy and refined who have been placed many miles away in inferior homes, hoping thereby to prevent their attendance upon the weekly meetings and also to hinder farther progress in Christian Science. Through patient and persistent demonstration over denunciation and bitter opposition, they are to-day not only living in close proximity to the blessed places of meeting but in homes whose apartments abound in every convenience, and whose appointments are radiant with grace and artistic beauty, where the spirit of kindness and hospitality is extended to all alike. There are others who have been allured by the writings of many calling themselves Scientists, and for a time, whose power of fascination seemed absorbing. This class severely tested the patience of our beloved leader, as they honestly believed her to be narrow, unkind and uncharitable, but through manifold trials and suffering, these also are sitting at the feet of Truth, ''clothed and in their right mind." There are now none more loyal to our rightful Leader and Teacher, Mrs. Eddy, to Science and Health, and none who welcome the Journal with greater eagerness. A multitude are being helped and healed day by day. The work is quiet, but forcible and continually enlarging. The deaf hear, the blind see, the lame walk. There are several cases of women, who in fear and agony were on their way to hospitals where arrangements had been made for the dreaded operation. They were persuaded to call on our teacher for a talk, but in almost every instance the interview ended in an instantaneous cure. At once Science and Health was procured and the study commenced of the wondrous power, the divine Principle, that has thus wrought the marvelous change.
Our Wednesday afternoon meetings are increasing in interest and attendance. The thought is given to the discussion of some appointed topic, also to testimonials of healing the sick and sinful. A young lady who was almost entirely blind from her birth told us how for the first time in her life she had seen the sunset, and how she had longed to see the face of her teacher as she listened to her voice. Now she sees the face, she reads, and her entire being overflows with grateful praise to the loving Father of us all. Others testify to marked demonstrations over the claim of poverty. Persons are often present who at the beginning cannot hear what is said at all, but are cured by the close of the hour. One man supposed the leader was talking much louder for his benefit, but soon discovered that Truth had destroyed the illusive error. There are a score of little children who lisp the prayer— "Thy kingdom come," etc., and whose understanding of Truth is almost incredible. A lady seemed to be suffering from a claim of difficult breathing when a child four years old said to her: "Error cannot talk to you that way —God can help you," and she made the affirmation more vigorous by the stamp of her little foot. The lady was much relieved by the child-thought.