This familiar picture of the scene where Jesus sat at the well, while he conversed with the woman of Samaria, illustrates how naturally the carnal mind takes the material view of spiritual things. It is not strange that this woman did not understand the Christ. His own disciples were dull and slow to comprehend his meaning. (Verses 32 and 34.)
As the woman said to him in verse eleven, so the doctors of divinity to-day, making common cause with the doctors of medicine, seem to say, "The well of material and medical science is deep, and you have not the skill to draw from it the resources of materia medica, nor the learning to apply these remedies which our God has provided in nature for all sickness and pain, for every ill that flesh is heir to."
And Christian Science answers back in tones confident and clear, "If you but knew the gift of God, and who it is that speaks again in the voice of Truth to this age, you would ask of Him and He would give you that living water, whereof, if a man drink he shall never thirst again,—the purifying, restoring, and sustaining water of Life."