Knowing the great benefit we receive from reading the varied experiences of others through the columns of our dear Journal, permit us as a family to contribute our mite for the edification of those who are in bondage and are seeking the light of Truth.
I was brought up a Methodist of the straightest sort. I learned to revere the church discipline, and was taken into membership when a mere child. I remained within its pale many years.
More than two years ago we were found weighed down with many diseases. In spite of church fellowship or orthodox creeds, I was bound down with rheumatism, neuralgia, catarrh, together with a cancerous tumor, beside other claims which had taken such a firm hold of me, that my hopes of recovery had well-nigh left me. It was only a question of a few months at most, according to church teachings, when God would remove me from this world of suffering to the home of the blest on high.