The nineteenth century, now rapidly drawing to its close, has brought forth marvelous discoveries and inventions. Their practical application has astonished mankind. Their use has revolutionized old methods and antiquated ways, and given a new impetus to modern civilization. Now amidst these teeming wonders appears a more marvelous discovery which truly has been called wonderful.
Its application has drawn to it the attention of the world, while its results have been far-reaching, deep, and astonishing. It is a discovery which will be found to transcend all others. It is one which outmeasures and outweighs all others beyond comparison. It is not a discovery in the material or physical realm, but is a purely mental or metaphysical discovery. It transcends the natural. It passes all material boundaries. Its home is above, yet in its manifestations it touches all things below.
We allude to Christian Science. It is indeed a science, the science of Truth, a science not human but divine, the Science of God.