The opening services of First Church of Christ, Scientist, in London, Ontario, on Sunday, August 6, marked an important step in the progress of Christian Science in that city. The church was formerly known as St. James Presbyterian Church. It is located in one of the finest and most valuable parts of the city, in the centre of a plot of ground covering nearly an acre, and is surrounded by beautiful shade trees.
The services were held in the morning, afternoon, and evening; the Readers at the morning service being Rev. Mr. Vosburgh of Rochester, member of the Board of Lectureship, and Mrs. Ruth B. Ewing of Chicago, and in the evening Mr. D. S. Robb, the leader in London, and Miss Elinor F. Edwards of Berlin, Ontario.
In addition to the Lesson Sermon in the morning, Mr. Robb delivered an address of welcome as follows:—