It affords us great pleasure to publish in our Journal the very beautiful poem written by Mr. Edward A. Jenks, of Concord, N. H.; as well as a letter written to the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy by Mr. Jenks, containing a bit of interesting history, in reference to the poem. Following are the letter and poem:—
Concord, Feb. 9, 1899.
Dear Mrs. Eddy:—Since your messenger was here this morning, in thinking of the matter, it seems to me quite remarkable that you should have selected, of all my poems, "Going and Coming," to reprint. It may interest you to know, that in 1876, two years before the death of the poet Bryant, he published a great collection of what he considered the finest poems in the English language, entitled, "A New Library of Poetry and Song," and among them, very much to my astonishment was "Going and Coming."