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From the March 1899 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About three years ago I had a paralytic feeling' come over me while traveling for my firm in Virginia and eastern Pennsylvania. I did not pay much attention to it, but kept on the road as usual. It seemed to get worse, and my firm advised me to go north to St. Paul and work that territory, thinking the change might do me good. On arrival there I consulted another doctor, an old friend of mine, who took me to a celebrated specialist who pronounced my disease locomotor ataxia. Both kindly advised me to give up traveling, as I could never be cured and I had better make up my mind to that fact, so with that understanding I partly surrendered. I was getting worse, losing the use of my limbs, also my speech, suffering pain in limbs and back, and had all the symptoms of the disease. I moved to Davenport, Iowa, where I had many friends, also for economy's sake. Still I did not want to give up; I took all kinds of treatment: osteopath, massage, sanitariums, etc., also under a specialist in Chicago, but of no avail. I came home willing to die. As I was stepping out of doors in a feeble condition, an old friend of ten or twelve years ago saw me and inquired what was the matter. He then gave me the name of a traveling man, who suffered as I did and was completely cured by Christian Science. I had my doubts about it, but I wrote to him and he gladly came to Davenport to see me. I found him to be the one with whom I had traveled twelve years ago over Dakota and Minneapolis from St. Paid. After hearing his experience, although a sceptic, I took hold of Christian Science, and placed myself under the care of Mr. H, a lawyer friend and healer in the city whom I had known or years. In three days after I began treatment I was on the street. "With the reading of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker G. Eddy, and in all three weeks' treatment, I found myself relieved from all pain, my speech returned. I could dress myself, which I had not done for over a year, and take a walk every day. I have made several trips on the road, and do not feel any the worse for it. My case seems miraculous to all my friends, and it certainly does to me, because I know whereof I speak; I am a better man every way than I was before I took Christian Science treatment, for now the Bible and Science and Health are my daily companions.

My work requires me to lie on my fret a great deal and also take occasionally long drives across country to make towns and train, In the last three weeks I have traveled in sleighs and buggies, in cold and stormy weather and blizzards one hundred and sixty miles, keeping Up with the most active traveling men, although I am now seventy years old. I drove thirty-five miles recently across country to attend a lecture by Mr. Edward A. Kimball at Waterloo. Iowa, and felt amply repaid for my effort. While there I received the following letter from the friend who first, told me about (Christian Science.

My Dear Mr. Jones:—You will not be surprised to receive a letter from the writer. I. have been thinking of yon a great deal of late, and I have heard from reliable parties that you are not now taking treatment in Christian Science; that you have been healed and are netting along finely.

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