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Letters & Conversations


From the June 1899 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The first time Christian Science was brought to our notice was four years ago this coming summer. On our return from a visit to my brother and his family who live in a neighboring city, my wife asked me if I knew that Anna (my brother's wife) was a Christian Scientist. I asked her what that was. She told me they believed that they could cure people the same as Christ did. I laughed, and made some remark, but she insisted that Anna was a changed woman for some reason. If I remember rightly, after some further talk on the subject, we decided that we had no use for such foolishness, but if she thought it did her any good it was none of our business.

We had two small boys that we were a good deal worried about. The older had always been very delicate, always had trouble with his stomach. The other had a trouble for which we had been doctoring him about two years, but he got worse instead of better.

Three years ago this coming July we again went to visit my brother's family, and took the two boys with us. A short time before we went we had taken the older boy (the one with the weak stomach) to the doctor, and he prescribed some pepsin preparation and a course of cod liver oil, not to stop short of six bottles.

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