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2 Corinthians, 11:3.

From the June 1899 issue of The Christian Science Journal

St. Paul referred at one time to the "mystery of godliness" as great. He several times alludes to simplicity as an element of the gospel. Christian Science unfolds this "mystery," viz. : that "God is All, and there is none beside Him" (Unity of Good). Also, that "godliness is mysterious only to the ungodly" (Science and Health, p. 39). To those who see this interpretation as true is revealed in a moment of divine light the entireness of Truth in its scientific simplicity. With the entrance of this light into human consciousness, a thought of Divine Unity, of Power, of Spiritual presence flows into and enlarges the present sense of God, till His Kingdom appears on earth as it is in Heaven.

The simplicity of Christ or Truth is its oneness of purpose, its absoluteness, its unadulterated statement. Jesus voiced eternal verities, the true sense of God, unmixed with human error. He displayed as the concomitant of his teachings the power of divine sonship. The purity of his words and works judged the sinful and adulterous generation of intellectual religionists about him. Radical and far removed from rabbinical platitudes, his divine utterances gained but few disciples, though many were healed, and the common people heard him gladly. "Preach the Gospel—heal the sick" were as cause and effect in Jesus' understanding. He overcame error in himself with the legacy of Truth received from his spiritual ancestry and his own divine sonship. He cast out the tormentor from his fellow-men, out of the fulness of his own experience in Love. His last command to teach his sayings to all nations was obeyed at the risk of their lives by the followers who had caught his Spirit.

The feature of Christian Science Mind-healing most likely to challenge the world's attention is its restoration of the Scriptures to their original tongue and their spiritual interpretation, by demonstration, given to the world through the life and writings of Rev. Mary Baker Eddy.

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