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From the June 1899 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the study of the Christian Science Bible Lessons, many a welcome angel thought illumines our way as we journey towards "the land of Christian Science, where fetters fall, and the rights of man to freedom are fully known and acknowledged" (Science and Health, p. 122).

With what unceasing love and gratitude our thoughts turn to our beloved Leader and Guide, and also to her faithful co-workers, the editors of the Journal and Sentinel, and to the Lesson Committee who so ably carry out her instructions. For we have been redeemed "out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh, King of Egypt." We are indeed "blessed above all people."

In the morning lesson for January 29, 1899, on "Spirit," occurs the reference to Science and Health, p. 194, 1. 20, which opened the door of my understanding to an abiding angel thought. The reference is as follows: "Spiritual ideas, like numbers and notes, start from Principle, and admit no materialistic beliefs concerning them." This comparison of spiritual man to numbers and notes lifted my consciousness out of the mortal concept of man—personality and corporeality—into a higher and clearer thought of God as Principle and man as the idea or expression of Principle, than I have ever been able to gain before, and I could not let this angel go without sharing the blessing with others.

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