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From the March 1900 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Father, lead Thou me, hold fast my hand,
Keep Thou my understanding lest I stray!
Firm on the "Rock of Ages" may I stand,
Nor faint, nor falter, on my heavenward way.
For long, long years I knew Thee not, 'till now
Life, Truth, and Love, I know Thee all and more
Enfold me in Thy Truth, and teach me how
To feel Thee always near amidst the tempest's roar.

Thou art my strength, oh, help me then to be
Strong in Thy might; that I may never yield
To error's claims, but from the Tempter flee,
And find in Thy Love my omnipresent shield.
With Thy pure Love, oh, fill my longing heart,
That I may grow like Thee, and be Thine own;
Bid fear, and doubt, and error, all depart,
They have no power, for Thou art God alone.

Then, Father, lead Thou me, and whatsoe'er befall,
I'll have no fear, with Thee at hand to bless;
Trials, sorrows, and temptations, Thou'rt greater than
them all,
I trust and follow, Thou wilt do the rest.

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