Each one seeking material happiness finds it in a different way, and what satisfies one does not make another contented. But when all find the true source of happiness, which is in God—Divine Love—then only will happiness be universal and eternal.
When we listen to the testimony of the five corporeal senses we find that life (in belief) can result in death, love in hate, health in disease, and that mortals the world over are full of fear, envy, jealousy, malice, pride, etc.; bowed down with burdens, full of anxiety, discontented, disconsolate, despondent, and seemingly can find no way out of their misery and bondage, and in their despair they wonder why God has forsaken them. In their ignorance and blindness they do not see that they have forsaken God instead of His having forsaken them, and have wandered away after false gods which they have put in the place of the only true and living God, and to them given power, intelligence, and might.
When we turn our gaze from the Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world, can we expect to find aught but chaos and darkness?