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Letters & Conversations


From the March 1900 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Our beloved Leader, the Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, has given us the impersonal missionary, just as she has given us the impersonal Pastor, and the impersonal Teacher, and this missionary makes its monthly rounds over a very large circuit, preparing human thought for God's healing, and pointing the way to a present as well as future salvation.

Here is a case in point. A young lady was visiting her aunt who, after a lifetime of hopeless invalidism, including many years of extreme mental depression, was healed in one treatment, and also made free from the tyranny of an uncontrollable temper. This was proof enough of the Christianity of Science to bring the infidel husband into the Truth, and later on their five children. The mother of this family, who at the time of her healing spoke only broken English and could not read it at all, was soon able to speak readily, and it was not long before she could read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." A few days after her wonderful experience of healing, she said to her healer, "I tink God English now."

The niece was so impressed with the demonstration which had made so great a change in the family that upon returning home she borrowed a copy of the Journal. Nearly two years afterward the aunt and uncle were telegraphed to come at once to her home, as her father was dying and their help was needed in settling up the estate. Instantly upon reading the message they began to declare that God is Life, and this they continued to do until they reached the home of the apparently dying man, not giving a thought even to the material affairs for which their help had been sought. They took with them the Bible and Science and Health, and in three days after their arrival, the man whose doom had been sealed, took dinner with his family, and has ever since enjoyed excellent health.

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