I am indeed grateful for Christian Science and would like to tell others what it has done for me. I had been an invalid for six years, suffering from heart disease and ulceration of the stomach; each summer I was getting worse. Last summer I had to lie in bed with the windows wide open. I was so weak I could not walk.
At Christmas time I heard of Christian Science. I could not believe that I could be cured, because I thought it was something wrong and had to do with spiritualism, but when I heard that the cures were done through prayer and God, I made up my mind I would go to the meeting which was held in Manchester.
I was taken to the station in my bath chair, but I have never got into it again, for I walked home. I had only one week's treatment and I was perfectly healed. I began working give weeks after this, and it was five years and a half since I had been able to work. I am now able, through the understanding of this Christ-Truth, to overcome any illness or pain that comes up. Many here have received much benefit from Christian Science.