For thirty-six years I was a great sufferer, the result of a fall when about two years old. Aside from my many physical ailments I was very unhappy, although trying to appear cheerful for the sake of others.
Hope of immortality beyond the grave was all I had to look forward to. Knowing my case baffled the physicians, the monotony of existence weighed heavily upon me. I was never free from pain day or night. I began reading "Miscellaneous Writing" by Mary Baker G. Eddy, and soon a dear lady brought me "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," which revealed the Scriptures in a new light, causing my Bible to become dearer than ever. This was about two years ago. I had absent treatment from a healer in New York City, who was very kind and patient with me.
The healing touch of Truth was wonderful, for I began to improve right away and slept calmly and peacefully all night for the first time since I could remember. I was relieved of a tired feeling which often seemed unbearable, and the terrible pain I had suffered from early childhood began to disappear, an almost constant pain in my side disappeared entirely, as also did a heart trouble and chronic cough. Congestion of the kidneys causing excruciating pain, the attacks of which were frequent, was also cured.