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Testimonies of Healing

It is not easy for us, perhaps, to see that the conditions...

From the December 1901 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is not easy for us, perhaps, to see that the conditions of atmosphere have only that effect which the general thought admits. I would like to give a demonstration where this was proven.

A year ago a child about four years old was brought to Christian Science for treatment. He had been all the four years of his life just hovering between this life and death. He was just able to crawl about a little in the winter months, but during the summer months his mother carried him about on a pillow. Just as soon as the summer heat came, he would become so prostrated that he would fall away till it seemed as if he would become invisible; he was hardly able to eat or sleep, so great was the belief that the heat affected him. He was brought to Christian Science, and after about three weeks the child was able to go out in moderately warm sunlight, which previously he had never been able to do, and improved constantly throughout the summer, and by autumn was a strong, robust, and healthy child. A picture of the child was sent a few days ago to the Scientist who treated him, and also a letter saying that the temperature was very stifling, and yet the little fellow played in the yard and paid no attention to it. He was well and strong and better than most of the children who had never been troubled as he had.

Another case is that of a man who had had sunstroke and for six months had been under the doctor's care. It had affected his eyesight so that he could not see, and was obliged to wear a heavy shade over his eyes. The physician had told him he must positively stay out of all heat or it would be repeated and he would probably never have the use of his eyes again. He said he could not cross the street without the most excruciating pain. He came into the office of a Scientist and was asked to remove the shade over his eyes. He said he could not possibly do so, he could not bear even the light in the room. The Scientist talked with him and read from Mrs. Eddy's writings, where it says in Science and Health, p. 282, "The planets have no more power over man than over his Maker, since God governs the universe. Reflecting His power, man has dominion over sky and earth, and all their hosts."

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