To my sense, one of the greatest beauties of Biblical teaching, and especially the Christian Science concept of it, is the great fact that we are all required to work out our own salvation.
This very necessary work cannot be done by leaning on others, neither can it be accomplished by looking for the mote that seems to be in a brother's eye, not discerning the beam in our own. It seems, indeed, a very easy thing to lean upon some human personality, and likewise it seems a very easy matter to perceive error in others and thus point out to them their Christian duty; but valiantly to take up the work in our own behalf, and to detect and destroy the lurking error in our own thought, is quite another matter.
Mortal mind, which is always the offender, is an autocrat, a chronic fault-finder, always at war with the powers that be, ever ready to shirk responsibilities or see errors in some one else. If we permit this false sense of mind to rule we shall be seeing error and discord everywhere, seeing them, indeed, when they do not exist except in our own disordered sense of things, and thus magnifying, into a mountain every molehill of error that presents itself.