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From the August 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Concord (N.H.) Daily Patriot

A letter in this article was later republished in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany: My. 163:16-164:5

The following note from Mrs. Eddy is proof of the spirit in which her splendid gift to the cause of religion is made. In the beautiful temple just completed and to be dedicated to-morrow, stand revealed her loving regard for Concord as well as her abiding faith in the endurance of the religion she has founded. The Patriot feels that in saying her gift and her words of kindly greeting are received by the good people of Concord in the spirit in which they are sent, it is but expressing what is in the mind of all.

Dear Editor:— When I removed from Boston in 1889 and came to Concord, N. H., it was that I might find retirement from many years of incessant labor for the Cause of Christian Science; and the opportunity in Concord's quiet to revise our text-book, Science and Health. Here let me add that, together with the retirement I so much coveted, I have also received from the leading people in this pleasant city all, and more than I anticipated. I love its people— love their scholarship, friendship, and granite character. I respect their religious beliefs; and thank their ancestors for helping to form mine. The movement of establishing in this city a church of our faith was then far from my purpose,— knowing that such an effort would involve a lessening of the retirement I so much desired. But the demand increased, and I consented, hoping thereby to give to many in this city a church home.


Concord (N. H.) Daily Patriot, July 16.

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