There are none, no matter how humble and obscure, who do not wield some influence over others, and often, unknowingly, over many persons. In view of this fact, it would seem to be the duty of all who have been benefited by Christian Science, to publicly acknowledge the blessings that have come to them, in such a way that others, who are still under the bondage of sin and sickness, may be influenced to turn their attention to the great truth as exemplified in Christian Science, and thereby be brought to harmony and health.
All the material gifts that could possibly be bestowed upon our dear Leader, our teachers, and practitioners, would but faintly represent the value of the glorious peace and joy which they, as the instruments of God, have brought to us; and it is not only our duty, but our privilege to endeavor in our turn, to become the means of raising some sufferers out of the darkness and the slough of despond, so that they may see a "great light."
I had been for many years without any religious belief, as I was unable to bring myself to accept any of the so-called orthodox doctrines, which, to me, were full of contradictions. I even entertained grave doubts as to the Bible itself. As I read it in the light of the knowledge I then had, it did not commend itself to me; it seemed too vague and unsatisfactory to be accepted as the Word of God. I therefore held aloof, and did not join or attend any church, for I would not subscribe to something in which I did not believe, in order to enjoy the social advantages resulting therefrom. I thought there must be truth somewhere, and hoped I might live long enough to find it, and believed that when I did find it, I should know it.