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The eventful month of July has passed into history,...

From the August 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The eventful month of July has passed into history, and will be recalled by Christian Scientists in association with the laying of the corner-stone of the enlarged Mother Church, and the dedication of the church in Concord. It is characteristic of Christian Science that its followers not only seek to understand its higher lessons, but also "the human footsteps leading thereto" (Science and Health, p. 254).

Some years ago, the remark was made that a church edifice of another denomination which had been purchased by Christian Scientists, might serve their need for a time, but that it had not been built upon the foundation of Christ healing, healing, which they consider so essential. It was replied that the foundation was right; namely, the Bible, which gives the warrant for this healing, in the life and teaching of Christ Jesus.

It is generally admitted that every building represents an idea of some kind, and that religious architecture has embodied many widely differing ideas of God. The same is true of all so-called Christian art. It seems that the earliest expressions of the Christ-idea in art were the shepherd and the sheep. Then, as the religious concept took on the influence of the world's thought, the humiliation and suffering of Jesus began to predominate and found an ever-growing expression in pictures of the passion and the crucifixion. It is noteworthy, however, that the healing work of the Master has had little expression in the church edifices of historic Christianity.

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