Before the birth of my eldest child I suffered severely from ovarian trouble and prolapsus, which became so bad that I could scarcely walk at all. After the birth took place I was much worse. I could not take a step without the support of surgical appliances. I continued in this trying condition for sixteen months, at which time I became a great deal worse and suffered terrible pain almost constantly; even when lying down I was not free from it. At this stage the doctor came to the conclusion that I must remain in bed for two weeks, after which time if I could walk without artificial support well and good, if not he would prescribe one that must not be removed at all. I remained in bed, and no one can know what I suffered. It seemed like a lifetime. When at last the doctor said I could go down-stairs, he forbade me to walk either down or up, so I had to sit waiting until my husband came home to carry me. By holding on to a chair I managed to do a. few things, for it seemed as if I would go crazy if I could not be doing something to keep me from worrying about my helpless, invalid condition, in which I was unable to take care of my child or my house. The doctor now prescribed another appliance, which I was obliged to wear continuously, but even with it I could not walk more than a block or two without suffering and never up or down stairs. He also told me I would never be any better unless I underwent an operation, but he could not advise one as he had known several unsuccessful cases of the kind.
Shortly after this an entirely different course of medical treatment was recommended. I decided to put myself under the process, and for one long year faithfully did my part, but with the exception of feeling fresher and brighter there was no improvement in my condition. My patient husband was still carrying me up and down stairs, and driving me whenever I went out.
While in this condition I was persuaded to try Christian Science, through which my sister-in-law had just been cured of rheumatism after twelve years of drugging. My husband took me to Ottawa for treatment. I had one present treatment, the rest being absent, but in a very short time I was not only able to walk up and down stairs and all around my own house, but all about the town, — everywhere I wanted to go. After six miserable years of bondage to material law, not being able to walk like other people four years out of the six, I was at last set free by the understanding and demonstration of God's law! I certainly was a nine-days wonder to my friends, but I think it was the greatest surprise to myself. It was so good to be free and to do with comfort whatever I wanted to do. Two years after my wonderful healing through Christian Science my second child was born, with none of the dangerous and distressing features of the former time. During the past five years I have enjoyed perfect health, doing all my own housework.