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Testimonies of Healing

I have wanted for a long time to tell how much happiness...

From the April 1908 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I HAVE wanted for a long time to tell how much happiness has come to us through the study of Christian Science. At the age of seventeen I studied for my communion, and afterwards many religious questions came to my mind. I read the Bible, but I read the letter without understanding the spirit, and it gave me little or no comfort and many questions remained unanswered. While I was seeking for the truth, one of my friends told me about theosophy, and I became interested in it; I read the periodicals and some theosophical books, and studied it for many years, but the more I studied it the less it satisfied me. It did not give me what I wanted, viz., a religion which would teach me how to be good and how to help others. Very often, when going into my district to visit the poor and the invalids, the thought would come to me how beautiful it would be if I could go around as Jesus did, and heal the sick. How little I then knew that this was possible, and that through the teaching of our beloved Leader the religion of Jesus the Christ had been brought to earth again.

At this time a young girl whose parents lived in the West Indies, and whose guardians we were, suddenly became very ill, so ill that the doctors gave no hope of her recovery. A cousin living at The Hague had told me a little about Christian Science, and at that awful moment when the doctors said they could give no help, my first thought was, "Then God alone can help." My husband consented to the calling of a Scientist, and we telegraphed to The Hague. After a few hours a practitioner came, and through the truth reflected by this dear Scientist my young friend was saved, for notwithstanding the doctor's verdict she recovered. The practitioner told us much about Christian Science, and we then began the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. The Bible became my daily friend; I began to understand the truth and to love it. I felt very happy when I found that I was able to demonstrate the truth, even in small things. We began to meet regularly for the Sunday service, which has been a great help. My husband has also become interested in spiritual things; many errors have been overcome, and we are now walking together along the way which leads to understanding and happiness. I cannot tell what a great blessing Christian Science is to us. After looking for the truth for many years, I feel that now I have found it!

We are very grateful to Mrs. Eddy for having restored to us the Christ-religion, and I know we can show the love and gratitude we feel for her only by following in her footsteps and trying to demonstrate the truth. The coming of the periodicals is like the arrival of dear friends, and the thought in our home is expressed in that beautiful hymn beginning, "Gracious spirit, dwell with me."

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