For many years I had suffered from a stomach ailment, which returned at regular intervals, and in 1908 it was more severe than ever before. I could retain no food whatever, and suffered terribly day and night; but I was to experience that "man's extremity is God's opportunity." At that time I knew absolutely nothing of Christian Science and its healing ministry, but my attention was called to this wonderful curative method through an acquaintance to whom I spoke about my trouble, and who himself had for years sought deliverance from many ills through medical treatment without receiving it, and was then healed in Christian Science.
I at once accepted this help from God, and treatment was given absently most of the time, as I felt too miserable to go to the practitioner. He came to see me several times, however, and treated me. At first I improved but slowly; but in comparison with the suffering I had gone through formerly, the healing was accomplished in a comparatively short time. Thanks be to God, I have not been reminded of this trouble since, and when other ailments try to assert themselves I am able to overcome them easily with God's help and through the understanding of the truth. I am also very grateful for the almost instantaneous help afforded to dear relatives of mine, who improved after the first treatment, although both of them had been taken seriously ill.
I herewith express my deep felt gratitude to God, and to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy who has shown us the sure way to the understanding of divine Truth.