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Testimonies of Healing

About five years ago I was persuaded by a kind neighbor...

From the December 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About five years ago I was persuaded by a kind neighbor to come far enough out of my ignorant prejudice and condemnation of Christian Science at least to try its efficacy for my mental suffering. I was sorely in need of physical healing, as I had great pain, said to be caused by an organic malformation. Several good physicians had, upon a thorough examination, said that it could not be cured except by surgery. I was, however, afraid to submit to an operation, and supposed that the nature of my affliction would preclude the possibility of a healing through mental means. I was, however, so sorely in need of wisdom, patience, and love to bear or destroy the bitter experiences of my life, that I turned unresistingly to Christian Science for help in this direction.

I was healed physically in a very short time, mostly by my own study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. In addition to the pain already mentioned, from which I had been suffering for about ten years, I was suffering from a chronic stomach difficulty, frequent and violent attacks of headache, and many other unpleasant physical disorders, which I had accepted philosophically as constitutional and hereditary, because I was sickly from birth. Indeed, I never knew what happiness and health were until I began to see the truth in Christian Science. I now try to fill my days with proofs of the allness of God, good, as our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, has shown us in her writings and by her life, knowing that this is indeed the only real gratitude.

The teachings of Christian Science have shown me the way out of a life which seemed all bitterness, for my birthright indeed seemed to be sorrow and suffering. I had become an atheist, for I could not pray, but I now know that God is omnipresent, omnipotent, that there is only one Father-Mother God; that man's birthright is goodness, peace, happiness, and righteousness.

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