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Testimonies of Healing

[Translated from the German]

After five years' enjoyment of the blessings which the...

From the December 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

After five years' enjoyment of the blessings which the faithful study of Christian Science unfolds, it becomes a duty and privilege to give thanks today for all the good experienced in those years when we worked alone, far from other Scientists, and for the pleasure and encouragement now provided for us in the church services and the Sunday School work here. The study of Science and Health has brought our whole family out of the darkness of despair and doubt,—brought us back to God, and His word has been our unfailing comfort and inspiration in every sorrow or difficulty. The space of a testimony could not include even a tithe of the good received, and I can only mention a few items in the hope that they may help some one else.

One of my children showed unmistakable signs of an eruption all over his back. For one week I gave him Christian Science treatment, at the end of which time the trouble seemed to be much worse; but the treatment was continued with the firm resolve to trust God absolutely, and at the end of another week the flesh was pure and clean. Having had experience with this trouble before coming into Science, and knowing all its so-called appearances and would-be laws, with painful recollections of the drastic measures used in materia medica, the deeper was my gratitude for the gentle cleansing of Love's pure thoughts. Another of the children awoke one morning with all the symptoms of a serious illness; a high fever with great distress in breathing continued for several days and nights. How deeply thankful we were for the peace of God which surrounded us throughout this trying experience,—for His word which gave courage for the battle, for the gentle balm of Mrs. Eddy's beautiful hymn, "Mother's Evening Prayer," which the child asked for over and over again, and also for the faithful help given in the dark hours! At the end of a week fear had been vanquished, the power of the disease was broken, and a sense of health and strength returned with that marvelous rapidity only seen in Christian Science healing. My little girl of six has no knowledge of any medical treatment, nor any fear of disease laws: the very few tests that have come to her have been so swiftly met by Christian Science treatment that she hardly became aware of them.

For myself Christian Science has destroyed several minor ailments, has preserved me in a time of great danger from fire, has been my light and guide, and at a time of great stress proved to me absolutely that in God there is no death, hence no separation, no sorrow. For all these and unnumbered other blessings I thank God daily, and am ever more grateful for the life and work of our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, whose inspired book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," is leading us back to the blessed gospel of Jesus Christ.

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