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[Written for the Journal]


From the September 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Fearless and faithful, thou hast led the van
And voiced the truth to ears that scarce would hear;
But some seed fell on fruitful soil, and now
The ripening grain is swelling in the ear.

Still art thou leading, opening up the way;
Still, up the mountain, we behold Truth's light,
As steadfastly thou leadest into day
From out the weary centuries of night.

With Life revealed, with Truth to guard thy path,
Love to incite and answering love invoke,
The claims of ill may clamor for thy fall,
Their only fruitage their consuming smoke.

God-blest! Behold the harvest of thy toil,
Into the light the singing voices throng;
The prelude of the anthem that will swell
The world in one harmonious burst of song.

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