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Testimonies of Healing

That the power of God, as taught and understood in...

From the September 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THAT the power of God, as taught and understood in Christian Science, heals the sick and reforms the sinner, I have abundant proof. Feeling that my experience may encourage others who may be suffering as I did, I feel impelled to relate it. I suffered from a rupture, and had worn a truss for fifteen years. I had been advised by the best of medical authority to avoid standing upon my feet without it, as otherwise fatal results might occur. One evening, after I had been reading in Science and Health, the text-book of Christian Science, I decided to lay off this support and apply the Science for myself. I found, however, that my action was rather premature, and that I had not sufficient understanding to escape the ensuing bad results, and was compelled to replace it to escape the most excruciating pain. I discovered, too, in reading this good book, that there is something more important than the healing of physical infirmity, namely, the attainment of a nobler and more spiritual manhood, which in itself would include physical healing. As I continued to read, I acquired a nameless longing for holiness, and I also read (on page 11), "If we desire holiness above all else, we shall sacrifice everything for it." At this point I determined to seek first the spiritual, and to think less of my material comfort. This somewhat less selfish motive, removing thought from the body, lifted me in a few months, where I was enabled to burn the truss and launch out fearlessly to gain entire freedom. I learned also that all sinful thoughts and habits must go the same way—be burned out of life, to make room for health and a higher manhood.

My healing was not rapid, though every step of the seven years which intervened between my first attempt and perfect recovery was fraught with hope, happy effort, and increasing harmony. Today I am as sound in every respect, physically, as a man could wish to be. All this I owe to Science and Health and its wonderful author. To God, and to her, His messenger to this age, I offer the thanks of a full heart.

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