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One member of The Mother Church in Boston was in...

From the September 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One member of The Mother Church* in Boston was in Peking when the infuriated mob of Boxers were murdering missionaries, clamoring for their lives, and burning all copies of the "foreign religion book." But this dear one judged that no mortal wrath could prevail against divine Love, that God would send His angel to shut the lions' mouths; which He did, and no manner of hurt was found upon them. Whether or not the "blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church," surely the seed of Truth has so rooted in that hitherto barren soil that three hundred and eighty thousand Bibles were sold in China during the first six months of 1909, and the total sales of Bibles in all countries is now said to be seventeen millions yearly. As Christian Science can only be acquired through a knowledge of the Scriptures, the text-book being based on them, this marvelous distribution of Bibles may be regarded as one of the greatest demonstrations of recent years.—

* A correction was made in the Journal: "We have been advised that the opening statement of the note on page 398 of the September  Journal, relative to the Boxer rebellion in Peking, is incorrect, in that there was at the time referred to only one member of The Mother Church in the city instead of two. We are sure that Dr. Keyes will regret, as do we, that he had been misinformed in the matter."

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