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[Written for the Journal.]


From the February 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

If e'er the brilliant day be dulled with care,
Or ways seem balked by sense of limitation;
Watch! lest within the burden of thy prayer
The suppliant's cry outweigh Love's affirmation.

If e'er life seems to breathe of self and sin,
And on heaven's stillness mortal voice is falling,
Watch! lest them let the subtle tempter in
To drown the music of Christ's whispered calling.

Know then thy God! His perfect image thou—
Who knows no sin. no lack or chilled endeavor—
Canst thou improve the ever-boundless now?
Or crav'st thou more than Love's own vast forever?

Look up to God, thou sorrowing one—Arise!
In Him alone thou liv'st and hast thy being.
Love's tender kiss will dry thy tearful eyes,
For where the dawn peeps darkest clouds are fleeing.

Look up from earth to pray—Lo, all its chains
As feeble efforts of a dream do bind thee!
Rise in His strength alone; then naught remains
But to cast every claim of sense behind thee.

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