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Testimonies of Healing

About three years ago I first became interested in...

From the May 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About three years ago T first became interested in Christian Science. At that time I was almost helpless, having, in 1904, sustained a stroke of paralysis which rendered my left side useless. I had to be dressed and undressed, and could not get into bed without assistance. I also had severe bladder trouble, for which I had several operations, but received no lasting benefit from them. Besides this, I had suffered for a long time from a bowel disorder, and it was during a night of intense suffering that I consented to try Christian Science. A practitioner came and was with me about twenty minutes, when I was completely healed of this ailment. I have not had any trouble from it since, nor have I taken any kind of medicine.

I was anxious to know more of this healing truth, and being almost blind, had different ones read to me from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. Through this means all my troubles gradually left me, and I now have the free use of all my limbs and am in perfect health. I am slowly but surely regaining my eyesight, and also have been cured of a stomach difficulty and an eruptive disease. I am very grateful for all these blessings, but above all is the peace and joy and contentment I have received through a spiritual understanding of God and the Bible. I have found heaven here on earth! I have no words with which to express my thankfulness to God for His goodness, and gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for showing me the way to health and happiness.


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