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Testimonies of Healing

I first heard definitely of Christian Science about twelve...

From the May 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I first heard definitely of Christian Science about twelve years ago. My father and sister were overheard discussing it, and I realized at once that it was the truth. I obtained a copy of the text-book from a friend, studied it. and became able to help myself. Finally the time came when I turned away from it through expecting others to do my work for me. From that day I gradually went down hill, and finally took to drinking, smoking, the use of profanity, and other bad habits. About the middle of March, 1907, I had become almost a mental and physical wreck, and in that condition went to a Christian Science practitioner. I was healed instantly of the liquor habit, insomuch that I have had no desire for intoxicants of any kind since. I had treatment for about five months at that time, and was also healed of a bowel trouble and pain in the back, the latter due to a crooked spine. I obtained relief from a stomach disorder, also headaches; both said to be hereditary. The latter have since been overcome, and I am gradually realizing better eyesight. Besides these physical benefits, the bad habits have been overcome.

While I am indeed appreciative of the freedom from physical bondage, it is the spiritual uplift for which I am most grateful, — the ability to look into and to demonstrate in a measure the power of infinite Love. I thank God that He gave to this age one able to reveal to us the Love and Truth which are Life, our dear Leader, and my desire is to follow her demonstration of the Christ-teaching.


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