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Testimonies of Healing

One of the most practical counsels given us by our beloved...

From the May 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One of the most practical counsels given us by our beloved Leader is that we should keep our "minds so filled with Truth and Love that sin, disease, and death cannot enter them" (Pamphlet, What our Leader Says, p. 7). One day, some two years ago, it was my privilege to have a very distinct and clear realization of the ever-presence of infinite Love, wherein no possible harm can ever exist, and that same afternoon I was called upon to prove the truth of the intuition I had had. I was taking a walk down one of the unoccupied hills of Seattle when I came to some running water. I decided to jump across, and in doing so landed with my right foot on a rusty nail protruding at the end of a small piece of wood. The nail went into the instep and lodged in the flesh so firmly that I had to use a good deal of strength to pull it out. I had to walk quite a distance to the car, and then was obliged to stand up, change cars, and stand up again. Next day I walked all day in my business, but there have never been any of the effects supposed to follow such an experience as that narrated above. There was not so much as the least doubt that it could be otherwise, and my heart goes out in sincere gratitude to her who has shown me my true relation to God.

For twenty-seven years I had worn glasses continuously, but five years ago, after a few treatments, I was enabled to discard them entirely. A few years ago I was healed of hereditary heart trouble, with which both parents had passed away, through an understanding of Christian Science obtained from my own study of the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and by applying daily and constantly the light obtained. The healing was instantaneous, but it took me several years to get out of the bondage to my many gods and to destroy fear. The best manner in which I can show my gratitude is by constantly living the Principle of Christian Science and by helping others to find and love Christ.

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