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Testimonies of Healing

The dearest experience that ever came into my earthly...

From the May 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The dearest experience that ever came into my earthly existence is the healing, through Christian Science, of a trouble from which I had suffered since childhood. I was said to have been born with defective vision. When I was a child I had pain in my eyes after reading, sometimes for days, so that I was obliged to give it up almost entirely. After I was grown I consulted oculists in several cities, but though I realized benefit for a short time, the trouble would always return.

It was in 1898 that I first heard of Christian Science, it having been brought to my notice by a kind friend who then resided in our village. She came one day to call upon me, and brought me a book to read which proved to be "No and Yes" by Mrs. Eddy. I told the lady that I could not read, that I had not been able to do so for years; but she insisted that I could. I did not believe that I could read, but after my friend had gone, to my great amazement I found I could do so without any pain in my eyes, which to me was perfectly wonderful. I was convinced that there was something in Christian Science that I had never found before, and experience proved it to be the truth. I then took Christian Science treatment, and in due time my eyes were healed. What a revelation this was to me!

Since that time I have never doubted the truth of Christian Science. Money could not pay for what Christian Science has done for me. I have had treatment for many other troubles, all of which have disappeared, and for this healing I am profoundly thankful to God, and also to the noble Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.

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