I have long desired to express my gratitude for the many benefits received in Christian Science and to mention the great joy brought to me in the thought that man is not the helpless victim of sin, disease, and death. Through its teachings I have been able to overcome many errors, and as I make one demonstration after another it ceases to seem, as from a material standpoint, supernatural. Mrs. Eddy says: "The Science of God and man is no more supernatural than is the science of numbers" (Science and Health, p. 111). When my eyes first rested on these words I was sure I had found the truth, the knowledge of which must come through untiring study, and I resolved to begin as a child does its education, and advance step by step.
For the past year and a half I have given as much time as I could to the study of Christian Science, and though still a very young Scientist, I have passed from the state of believing to an absolute conviction, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that divine Love is sufficient for every human need. In consequence, I am well mentally and physically. When Christian Science found me, a year and a half ago, in New York, I was a hopeless sufferer from stomach trouble of ten years' standing. I had indeed never been well. Throat trouble, bilious attacks, chronic bowel and stomach trouble,—these at intervals had held me in bondage since my earliest recollection. I had several wonderful healings, but my earlier concept of Christian Science was that it stood for the power of the human mind over the body, and as my troubles seemed so real, I knew that I could not govern my body by my own thinking.
A friend, sent by divine Love, succeeded in getting me to attend a Wednesday evening meeting, and a number of beautiful testimonies were given which to me were wonderful. A lady who sat just in front of me, described my condition exactly, only she had been confined to her bed for months, and she ended her testimony by saying that for twelve "beautiful years" she had been perfectly well. "Beautiful years"! How strange those words sounded to me! I went next morning to a practitioner, and after the third treatment I, too, was healed, and as Mrs. Eddy counsels us, I ceased consulting my stomach and ate what was set before me.