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Testimonies of Healing

It is now five years since Christian Science...

From the September 1913 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is now five years since Christian Science found me a physical wreck, longing to die. I had been under the care of several physicians, and latterly a specialist, when a friend invited me to a Christian Science service. By making a special effort I managed to attend, and never shall I forget that night. The subject of the Lesson-Sermon was, "Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?" To me the teaching seemed most beautiful, and I made up my mind then and there that I would try Christian Science. Of course I did not know anything about treatment, but I called on a practitioner and asked if I could be healed. Her answer, "Would God cure me and pass you by?" filled me with hope, and I shall always feel deeply grateful for the help she gave me. She kindly loaned me some Sentinels and told me just how to treat myself, and also made the first chapter of Genesis as plain as daylight to me.

For a week things remained just as they were before, although I had worked faithfully. Still the thought never left me that as God's child man is spiritual and perfect; that all the conditions which appeared so real, were not real at all, since God did not create them; that God only created the good, and that He is Life, Truth, Love. One evening I picked up a Sentinel, and my eye lighted on Jesus' words, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Instantly I was healed, although prior to this time I had been under the specialist's care for six months.

The condition has never returned, and I am unable to express my thanks to God, also my gratitude to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for the many benefits, spiritual as well as physical, which I have had through the understanding of the Bible gained from the Christian Science text-book. I have no hesitation in saying that it was the practitioner's firm grasp of the truth which enabled me to find relief so quickly, and I feel that I can only express my thankfulness to God by helping to spread the joyful news, so that other sufferers may realize that in Christian Science is to be found the "pearl of great price."—

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