I Want to express my gratitude for the unnumbered blessings that have come to me through Christian Science. For twenty years I suffered from stomach and nerve trouble, and during the last few years these ills took on more acute forms. Three years ago I gave up all hope of receiving permanent relief from material remedies, as I had been to several specialists and had received only temporary help. One week, while on a visit home over Sunday, I picked up a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, which I read for some time and finally borrowed in order to read it more thoroughly. At once my condition began to improve, and one by one the many ailments have been dropping away, although the stomach trouble has not entirely disappeared as yet. The acute attacks have been overcome sometimes instantly by the power of Truth, and they are becoming less frequent.
I have had many healings through Christian Science. The desire for smoking left me, then the wearing of glasses was found unnecessary, although I had worn them for twelve years and an eye specialist had said I would never be able to do without them; also a severe eye trouble which had become chronic was overcome. The eye trouble and desire for smoking left me as a result of my study of the textbook. Acute lung trouble yielded to the truth in four treatments, the fever leaving after the first treatment. I am very grateful for all the physical healings, but most of all for the mental, moral, and spiritual uplift that has come to me through the study and practice of Christian Science.
I want to express my appreciation for all our literature and for the help it has given me in solving my problems as they come day by day. I am thankful to God and deeply grateful to our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for the truth, which is indeed wonderful, and it is my earnest desire to prove worthy of the name Christian Scientist.—Hartford, Conn.