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Testimonies of Healing

We came into Christian Science,...

From the August 1918 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We came into Christian Science, not for physical healing, but because upon investigation we found it to be the most wonderful, beautiful truth we had ever known. My husband and I began studying it together, and we entered our four-year-old boy at the Sunday school of First Church of Christ, Scientist, at Elgin, Illinois. Since then we have moved, but are all in regular attendance at church.

We have been able to overcome measles for our boy about half an hour after the ailment appeared, and he has been healed of an attack of croup. The latter healing to us seemed very wonderful. He awakened us at night with the terrible cough and a high fever, but in about twenty minutes he was relieved of congestion and the fever was gone. My husband was healed of an abscess at the root of a tooth. For these and other demonstrations of the power of our all-wise, all-loving Father-Mother God, we are truly grateful.

For the help we have received from our periodicals and textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, we are grateful beyond words, and to say that the Bible is our constant companion and a source of unceasing inspiration, seems an inadequate expression of our love for it, now that we understand its real meaning. We are trying to live as Jesus taught us when he said, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."—

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