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Testimonies of Healing

The greatest joy that has come...

From the January 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The greatest joy that has come into my life is the larger understanding of God gained through the study of Christian Science. The realization each day of the ever presence of our dear heavenly Father is to me the "pearl of great price." It is teaching all students of Christian Science to prove this day whom they will serve, and is unfolding more clearly the law of loving one's neighbor as one's self. This law, when applied and lived, brings with it the harvest of peace. We are learning that to acknowledge any other power is to dishonor God, for God is the only power: and thus we are daily striving to keep our eye single and give Him the glory.

For many years I was tempest tossed with illness due to supposedly hereditary conditions, including stomach trouble and other ills. I was treated by the best physicians, with no results; also consulted a specialist, who pronounced it the worst case of perforation and ulceration of the stomach under his observation, and gave no hope. Just at this time I experienced a great bereavement, for my little daughter, my only child, passed out under an operation. With no desire to live, no health, in utter despair, I cried to God to send me light. I had decided never again to have medical treatment and tried to find healing in the Bible, studying it four and five hours every day. A friend then brought a Christian Science practitioner to see me, and through the beautiful thoughts she gave me I found the first peace I had known since my great loss.

After this I began the study of Christian Science and in seven months was healed of the stomach trouble. Words cannot express the joy of my heart and my gratitude for this healing truth. Now the desire to live and to reflect more of this light to others is my daily prayer. This healing occurred seven years ago, and Christian Science has been my only help for the past eight years. I find it will meet my every need when the law of Love is humbly sought and lived.—

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